ČEZ 11,0625/08 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ČEZ 11,0625/08

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price22.05.2003100.00
First price26.07.1996100.10
Historic min25.11.199793.30
Historic max30.04.1999113.95
Total volume8 762 156 749.35
RMS - RM-System
Last price27.05.200310 000.00
First price25.07.199610 000.00
Historic min25.01.19999 900.00
Historic max10.12.199810 100.00
Total volume719 785 850.00
ČEZ 11,0625/08 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2003 100.00 100.00 4 077 824 059 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
2002 100.00 108.00 4 219 306 012 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
2001 104.00 105.00 462 656 609 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
2000 104.00 110.00 1 113 435 10 000.00 10 000.00 3 885 000 graf
1999 103.00 114.00 34 052 9 900.00 10 000.00 715 900 850 graf
1998 99.00 104.00 0 10 000.00 10 100.00 0 graf
1997 93.00 110.00 1 212 472 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
1996 100.00 100.00 10 111 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
Zobrazit sloupec