KB 11,4/01 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about KB 11,4/01

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price24.08.199998.00
First price16.12.1994101.40
Historic min30.09.199890.00
Historic max08.02.1996104.99
Total volume17 971 169.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price27.08.19998 001.10
First price10.01.199510 000.00
Historic min23.04.19997 685.00
Historic max09.02.199911 526.90
Total volume876 924 450.70
KB 11,4/01 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
1999 98.00 101.00 61 042 7 685.00 11 527.00 866 150 690 graf
1998 90.00 101.00 157 738 8 005.00 10 000.00 10 453 721 graf
1997 91.00 101.00 1 807 089 8 001.00 10 000.00 0 graf
1996 96.00 10 220.00 11 132 487 8 005.00 10 000.00 0 graf
1995 99.00 10 100.00 3 556 452 8 001.00 10 000.00 320 040 graf
1994 101.00 101.00 20 806 - - - graf
Zobrazit sloupec