LES. ZÁV.KARLOVICE - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about LES. ZÁV.KARLOVICE

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price02.02.1996121.00
First price16.03.1995490.00
Historic min13.12.1995110.00
Historic max16.03.1995490.00
Total volume142 824.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price30.01.1996121.00
First price28.03.1995188.00
Historic min14.12.199599.00
Historic max30.03.1995375.00
Total volume195 500.00
LES. ZÁV.KARLOVICE - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199603 - - - - - - graf
199602 121.00 121.00 0 - - - graf
199601 121.00 121.00 0 121.00 145.00 7 774 graf
199512 110.00 129.00 6 192 99.00 162.00 13 551 graf
199511 129.00 194.00 35 991 160.00 200.00 43 404 graf
199510 194.00 216.00 34 992 200.00 213.00 29 268 graf
199509 213.00 216.00 26 047 203.00 224.00 5 370 graf
199508 213.00 260.00 1 278 213.00 290.00 17 400 graf
199507 243.00 260.00 8 884 191.00 265.00 24 418 graf
199506 197.00 255.00 22 380 191.00 261.00 20 610 graf
199505 147.00 197.00 0 131.00 201.00 9 108 graf
199504 115.00 140.00 1 494 151.00 375.00 15 950 graf
199503 121.00 490.00 5 566 173.00 375.00 8 648 graf
199502 - - - - - 0 graf
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