TREND J - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about TREND J

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price15.12.1995225.00
First price05.12.1994385.00
Historic min30.03.199586.00
Historic max08.11.1995485.00
Total volume4 299 115.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price09.01.1996190.00
First price10.01.1995270.00
Historic min28.03.199589.00
Historic max20.10.1995522.00
Total volume2 197 241.40
TREND J - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199601 - - - 190.00 190.00 0 graf
199512 225.00 341.00 97 012 190.00 330.00 52 320 graf
199511 341.00 485.00 949 889 334.00 484.00 763 068 graf
199510 412.00 460.00 1 092 924 376.00 522.00 522 078 graf
199509 286.00 400.00 1 399 435 256.00 390.00 287 452 graf
199508 161.00 286.00 375 546 150.00 260.00 231 550 graf
199507 123.00 153.00 41 715 121.00 137.00 57 765 graf
199506 123.00 146.00 91 783 123.00 189.00 76 090 graf
199505 116.00 128.00 50 423 106.00 122.00 47 947 graf
199504 90.00 120.00 40 737 95.00 130.00 42 064 graf
199503 86.00 133.00 65 602 89.00 106.00 9 138 graf
199502 129.00 150.00 16 402 130.00 175.00 50 368 graf
199501 134.00 331.00 29 744 136.00 270.00 57 401 graf
199412 348.00 426.00 47 903 - - - graf
199411 - - 0 - - - graf
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