TREND V.I.F. PRAHA - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about TREND V.I.F. PRAHA

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price21.02.200046.36
First price05.12.1994325.00
Historic min04.03.199723.01
Historic max18.10.1995508.00
Total volume110 799 105.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price02.02.200056.50
First price10.01.1995269.00
Historic min27.02.199722.10
Historic max19.10.1995501.00
Total volume77 999 254.50
TREND V.I.F. PRAHA - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2000 44.00 46.00 2 296 43.00 57.00 607 720 graf
1999 43.00 67.00 202 821 43.00 67.00 8 642 219 graf
1998 40.00 76.00 2 209 133 41.00 75.00 7 719 155 graf
1997 23.00 88.00 5 156 309 22.00 85.00 5 921 635 graf
1996 32.00 275.00 88 512 784 28.00 275.00 49 230 526 graf
1995 97.00 508.00 14 399 799 96.00 501.00 5 856 438 graf
1994 266.00 341.00 106 203 - - - graf
Zobrazit sloupec