AVAST - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about AVAST

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price09.09.2022206.00
First price14.05.201867.50
Historic min23.05.201862.50
Historic max09.09.2022206.00
Total volume20 626 541 091.15
RMS - RM-System
Last price09.09.2022198.30
First price11.06.201867.00
Historic min27.06.201865.00
Historic max07.09.2022204.00
Total volume854 575 844.80
AVAST - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2022 139.15 206.00 2 929 901 327 140.00 204.00 139 653 980 graf
2021 132.30 183.30 7 147 976 886 133.10 182.50 348 175 922 graf
2020 81.50 175.50 7 086 643 343 84.00 175.00 275 604 160 graf
2019 80.00 140.00 2 053 080 620 80.00 143.00 55 911 464 graf
2018 62.50 88.00 1 408 938 915 65.00 89.00 35 230 318 graf
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