EB CEZ TL7 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB CEZ TL7

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price23.09.20154.60
First price15.09.201414.00
Historic min23.09.20154.60
Historic max01.10.201417.80
Total volume2 261 972.95
EB CEZ TL7 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
201509 4.60 9.75 3 574 - - - graf
201508 6.90 14.00 131 980 - - - graf
201507 10.90 14.00 226 196 - - - graf
201506 10.10 13.45 449 881 - - - graf
201505 14.30 17.20 205 445 - - - graf
201504 13.60 17.20 163 218 - - - graf
201503 12.20 14.40 119 217 - - - graf
201502 9.15 13.00 275 238 - - - graf
201501 9.20 10.25 57 700 - - - graf
201412 10.90 13.85 115 398 - - - graf
201411 11.00 13.25 251 439 - - - graf
201410 9.60 17.80 212 112 - - - graf
201409 14.00 17.80 50 575 - - - graf
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