RCB BZ CEZ 525 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about RCB BZ CEZ 525

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price20.12.2018523.92
First price25.04.2018519.53
Historic min26.04.2018519.48
Historic max18.12.2018523.92
Total volume0.00
RCB BZ CEZ 525 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
201812 523.52 523.92 0 - - - graf
201811 522.65 523.43 0 - - - graf
201810 522.01 522.72 0 - - - graf
201809 521.50 522.02 0 - - - graf
201808 521.06 521.50 0 - - - graf
201807 520.76 521.37 0 - - - graf
201806 520.73 521.25 0 - - - graf
201805 519.48 520.68 0 - - - graf
201804 519.48 519.53 0 - - - graf
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