SOKOLOV. STROJÍRNY - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about SOKOLOV. STROJÍRNY

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price30.09.199745.00
First price15.06.199320 000.00
Historic min25.09.199745.00
Historic max15.06.199320 000.00
Total volume7 880 954.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price20.12.200036.30
First price10.01.1995105.00
Historic min02.02.199925.00
Historic max21.05.1998149.00
Total volume9 413 030.40
SOKOLOV. STROJÍRNY - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2000 - - - 30.00 72.00 1 388 322 graf
1999 - - - 25.00 82.00 3 603 014 graf
1998 - - - 27.00 149.00 894 445 graf
1997 45.00 82.00 500 789 32.00 98.00 1 975 928 graf
1996 55.00 89.00 1 456 807 58.00 106.00 853 523 graf
1995 71.00 125.00 2 989 561 68.00 126.00 653 779 graf
1994 107.00 195.00 2 154 034 - - - graf
1993 100.00 20 000.00 770 159 - - - graf
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