ST.DLUHOP. VAR/02 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ST.DLUHOP. VAR/02

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price24.07.200288.91
First price30.09.1997109.50
Historic min02.11.199987.03
Historic max18.11.1997109.50
Total volume3 790 828 806.84
RMS - RM-System
Last price29.07.2002989.90
First price01.09.19971 000.00
Historic min07.12.1999696.00
Historic max30.12.19981 200.00
Total volume27 166 706.00
ST.DLUHOP. VAR/02 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2002 89.00 99.00 3 292 410 163 785.00 1 005.00 117 600 graf
2001 91.00 99.00 496 049 296 920.00 1 020.00 26 845 231 graf
2000 91.00 98.00 1 861 532 750.00 1 030.00 142 578 graf
1999 87.00 102.00 172 931 696.00 1 164.00 61 297 graf
1998 94.00 104.00 333 778 800.00 1 200.00 0 graf
1997 104.00 110.00 1 107 801.00 1 000.00 0 graf
Zobrazit sloupec