UH.SKLADY LOVOSICE - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about UH.SKLADY LOVOSICE

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price27.03.199645.50
First price07.03.1995154.00
Historic min15.01.199645.50
Historic max22.03.1995155.00
Total volume42 289.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price07.03.199675.00
First price28.03.1995200.00
Historic min31.08.199550.00
Historic max11.04.1995200.70
Total volume32 167.10
UH.SKLADY LOVOSICE - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199605 - - - - - - graf
199604 - - - - - - graf
199603 46.00 46.00 0 75.00 75.00 0 graf
199602 46.00 46.00 0 70.00 80.00 14 779 graf
199601 46.00 56.00 1 000 76.00 80.00 2 844 graf
199512 62.00 95.00 0 76.00 80.00 0 graf
199511 85.00 95.00 855 56.00 76.00 7 330 graf
199510 73.00 85.00 13 770 60.00 66.00 0 graf
199509 55.00 81.00 7 187 50.00 60.00 3 601 graf
199508 50.00 55.00 4 852 50.00 142.00 0 graf
199507 52.00 55.00 471 129.00 142.00 0 graf
199506 55.00 68.00 1 044 142.00 200.00 0 graf
199505 64.00 108.00 5 365 190.00 200.00 0 graf
199504 114.00 155.00 4 185 200.00 201.00 3 613 graf
199503 154.00 155.00 3 560 200.00 200.00 0 graf
199502 - - - - - 0 graf
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