VPÚ-DECO PLZEŇ - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about VPÚ-DECO PLZEŇ

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price30.05.1997950.00
First price17.08.19931 000.00
Historic min13.09.1994410.00
Historic max19.10.19951 100.00
Total volume557 176.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price20.07.19981 200.00
First price10.01.1995358.00
Historic min10.01.1995358.00
Historic max17.06.19981 200.00
Total volume553 431.40
VPÚ-DECO PLZEŇ - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
1998 - - - 903.00 1 200.00 330 470 graf
1997 935.00 950.00 31 070 847.00 995.00 104 131 graf
1996 896.00 1 090.00 143 054 683.00 1 000.00 60 743 graf
1995 805.00 1 100.00 244 417 358.00 1 080.00 58 088 graf
1994 410.00 1 005.00 133 915 - - - graf
1993 640.00 1 000.00 4 720 - - - graf
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