CEZ FUT SEP09 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about CEZ FUT SEP09

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price18.09.2009915.10
First price23.03.2009745.10
Historic min31.03.2009739.10
Historic max06.08.2009989.60
Total volume2 987 900.00
CEZ FUT SEP09 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
200909 915.00 940.00 369 500 - - - graf
200908 930.00 990.00 671 700 - - - graf
200907 820.00 964.00 350 600 - - - graf
200906 840.00 900.00 707 100 - - - graf
200905 788.00 908.00 336 000 - - - graf
200904 739.00 825.00 476 500 - - - graf
200903 739.00 757.00 76 500 - - - graf
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