ČKD PRAHA HOLDING - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ČKD PRAHA HOLDING

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price14.02.20029.48
First price13.07.1993400.00
Historic min07.11.20018.79
Historic max16.03.19981 380.00
Total volume1 423 867 128.12
RMS - RM-System
Last price08.11.20019.90
First price10.01.1995204.00
Historic min29.10.20017.10
Historic max11.03.19981 370.00
Total volume359 179 782.90
ČKD PRAHA HOLDING - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2004 - 0.00 - - - - graf
2002 9.00 12.00 28 354 - - - graf
2001 9.00 230.00 259 879 7.00 21.00 1 144 517 graf
2000 10.00 40.00 3 499 627 12.00 39.00 6 048 219 graf
1999 20.00 125.00 88 315 614 23.00 124.00 52 209 900 graf
1998 88.00 1 380.00 298 794 063 94.00 1 370.00 73 623 982 graf
1997 411.00 1 250.00 525 097 697 407.00 1 221.00 150 858 543 graf
1996 142.00 475.00 320 683 364 141.00 469.00 62 790 183 graf
1995 71.00 199.00 42 303 132 72.00 240.00 11 856 480 graf
1994 171.00 580.00 106 077 773 - - - graf
1993 86.00 635.00 37 472 134 - - - graf
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