EB KOM TL5 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB KOM TL5

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price10.03.202031.92
First price09.12.2014111.80
Historic min06.03.202031.92
Historic max29.07.2015198.70
Total volume18 542 128.44
EB KOM TL5 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2020 31.92 98.62 1 818 992 - - - graf
2019 50.55 150.15 2 975 608 - - - graf
2018 95.56 152.28 2 455 054 - - - graf
2017 97.20 173.75 3 815 603 - - - graf
2016 69.55 180.65 5 872 923 - - - graf
2015 77.55 198.70 1 603 949 - - - graf
2014 100.10 111.80 0 - - - graf
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