ECM - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ECM

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price24.05.201325.50
First price06.12.20061 316.00
Historic min15.03.201325.50
Historic max16.04.20072 058.00
Total volume26 054 768 900.30
RMS - RM-System
Last price20.07.201126.50
First price01.11.20071 546.90
Historic min20.07.201126.50
Historic max01.11.20071 546.90
Total volume281 633 995.00
ECM - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2013 26.00 26.00 0 - - 0 graf
2012 26.00 26.00 0 - - 0 graf
2011 26.00 93.00 74 447 053 27.00 93.00 18 443 992 graf
2010 85.00 329.00 324 011 177 85.00 331.00 72 663 762 graf
2009 196.00 442.00 554 518 712 200.00 417.00 86 290 651 graf
2008 225.00 1 191.00 5 095 768 551 227.00 1 195.00 83 066 124 graf
2007 1 172.00 2 058.00 17 341 691 840 1 168.00 1 547.00 21 169 465 graf
2006 1 316.00 1 471.00 2 664 331 568 - - - graf
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