MICROSOFT CORP. - Share MICROSOFT CORP. share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price MICROSOFT CORP.

RMS - 26.7.2024 17:00:21
Current price 9 937.00 CZK (-0.21%)
Average 9 937.00 CZK / 5 Pc
Volume 49 685 CZK
First/Last 9 937.00/9 937.00 CZK
Min/Max 9 937.00/9 937.00 CZK
Number of changes 1 996
PCP 7 966.00/11 948.00 CZK

Akcie MICROSOFT CORP. - Ask/bid on markets

RMS : 26.7.2024 17:00:21
9 501.00 5 9 959.00 50
9 500.00 7 10 820.00 54
9 200.00 12 10 858.00 59
9 102.00 14 11 960.00 64
9 000.00 64 -
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie MICROSOFT CORP. - Latest on-line trades on markets

26.7.2024 9:00:05 5 9 937.00CZK
25.7.2024 16:09:22 5 9 958.00CZK
25.7.2024 16:01:08 3 10 000.00CZK
25.7.2024 13:25:44 3 10 144.00CZK
Volume analysis » · Next trades »»

Other info about MICROSOFT CORP.

US5949181045, ISIN: US5949181045, BIC: BAAMICRC - Information from central depository

MICROSOFT CORP. on the Prague Stock Exchange

Total monthly/yearly volumes of MICROSOFT CORP. on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for MICROSOFT CORP.

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