PILANA TOOLS - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about PILANA TOOLS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price28.08.200080.75
First price12.10.1993500.00
Historic min22.08.199727.27
Historic max12.10.1993500.00
Total volume12 420 285.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price31.08.200047.70
First price10.01.1995135.00
Historic min23.09.199745.00
Historic max11.10.1996330.00
Total volume27 040 076.30
PILANA TOOLS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2000 81.00 85.00 0 48.00 105.00 3 139 156 graf
1999 85.00 190.00 8 183 55.00 97.00 57 317 graf
1998 88.00 230.00 57 952 70.00 310.00 9 461 143 graf
1997 27.00 177.00 63 569 45.00 180.00 3 028 434 graf
1996 135.00 304.00 7 967 904 117.00 330.00 7 616 212 graf
1995 113.00 275.00 4 093 012 130.00 275.00 3 737 813 graf
1994 103.00 360.00 210 241 - - - graf
1993 190.00 500.00 9 924 - - - graf
ETHEREUM - cena na burzách a CFD
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Binance2,061Koupit 2,061 Prodat
InstaForex2,062Koupit 2,060 Prodat
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