ZONER SOF.10,00/19 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ZONER SOF.10,00/19

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price28.08.2019100.00
First price01.10.2009100.00
Historic min29.01.2019100.00
Historic max22.01.2010101.00
Total volume12 298 041.65
RMS - RM-System
Last price28.08.20199 930.00
First price07.06.201010 000.00
Historic min30.06.20169 882.00
Historic max06.10.201610 299.00
Total volume121 533 090.30
ZONER SOF.10,00/19 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2019 100.00 100.00 0 9 930.00 10 160.00 5 682 135 graf
2018 100.00 100.00 0 10 000.00 10 150.00 2 759 081 graf
2017 100.00 100.00 0 10 000.00 10 299.00 8 789 498 graf
2016 100.00 100.00 0 9 882.00 10 299.00 12 152 493 graf
2015 100.00 100.00 0 9 905.00 10 200.00 8 676 615 graf
2014 100.00 100.00 1 293 261 9 899.00 10 200.00 2 560 300 graf
2013 100.00 100.00 610 000 9 990.00 10 005.00 14 409 963 graf
2012 100.00 100.00 0 9 950.00 10 010.00 2 150 110 graf
2011 100.00 101.00 3 129 167 9 980.00 10 005.00 24 500 235 graf
2010 101.00 101.00 1 801 222 10 000.00 10 090.00 39 852 660 graf
2009 100.00 101.00 5 450 167 - - - graf
Zobrazit sloupec