EUROPA BONUS CZK - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EUROPA BONUS CZK

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price18.10.20106 428.00
First price03.12.200710 167.00
Historic min09.03.20093 684.00
Historic max12.12.200710 419.00
Total volume0.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price18.10.20106 207.00
First price05.05.20087 900.00
Historic min16.03.20094 185.00
Historic max23.05.20088 624.50
Total volume1 762 090.00
EUROPA BONUS CZK - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2010 5 343.00 6 539.00 0 5 487.00 6 570.00 301 850 graf
2009 3 684.00 6 442.00 0 4 185.00 6 339.00 442 430 graf
2008 4 416.00 10 281.00 0 4 357.00 8 625.00 1 017 810 graf
2007 10 077.00 10 419.00 0 - - - graf
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