HMO LOGISTIKA OL - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about HMO LOGISTIKA OL

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price12.02.1999272.60
First price01.03.1995949.00
Historic min09.06.199783.60
Historic max02.03.19951 230.00
Total volume8 743 982.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price21.12.200123.50
First price28.03.1995290.00
Historic min15.12.200019.00
Historic max12.03.1998659.30
Total volume20 555 408.10
HMO LOGISTIKA OL - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 - - - 19.00 52.00 30 435 graf
2000 - - - 19.00 80.00 26 809 graf
1999 186.00 318.00 0 24.00 420.00 3 789 387 graf
1998 119.00 642.00 1 456 652 95.00 659.00 10 077 675 graf
1997 84.00 486.00 1 122 442 97.00 535.00 3 811 127 graf
1996 127.00 451.00 3 755 912 130.00 469.00 2 200 070 graf
1995 164.00 1 230.00 2 382 444 144.00 428.00 525 897 graf
Zobrazit sloupec