MAGNET - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about MAGNET

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price30.09.199727.00
First price15.06.199320 000.00
Historic min24.06.199724.05
Historic max15.06.199320 000.00
Total volume7 376 140.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price21.12.200110.00
First price10.01.1995195.00
Historic min19.11.20019.00
Historic max14.08.1995302.00
Total volume5 017 471.70
MAGNET - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 - - - 9.00 55.00 783 213 graf
2000 - - - 40.00 122.00 160 586 graf
1999 - - - 24.00 95.00 494 188 graf
1998 - - - 31.00 105.00 1 503 008 graf
1997 24.00 110.00 204 721 23.00 99.00 583 043 graf
1996 64.00 183.00 1 950 622 62.00 175.00 884 931 graf
1995 96.00 350.00 4 943 264 85.00 302.00 604 144 graf
1994 177.00 550.00 239 064 - - - graf
1993 250.00 20 000.00 20 000 - - - graf
Zobrazit sloupec