PSG 5,25/23 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about PSG 5,25/23

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price27.02.202399.75
First price31.03.2017100.00
Historic min01.04.202093.00
Historic max20.10.2017109.00
Total volume469 854 037.22
PSG 5,25/23 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2023 99.00 100.00 6 687 253 - - - graf
2022 95.71 100.06 48 027 256 - - - graf
2021 98.00 102.99 18 080 907 - - - graf
2020 93.00 103.49 56 443 502 - - - graf
2019 101.50 105.00 72 339 884 - - - graf
2018 103.00 108.90 39 745 635 - - - graf
2017 100.00 109.00 228 529 600 - - - graf
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