ST.DLUHOP. 3,80/09 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ST.DLUHOP. 3,80/09

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price17.02.2009101.25
First price22.03.2004100.00
Historic min29.07.200599.21
Historic max27.12.2006101.25
Total volume192 551 584 810.46
RMS - RM-System
Last price20.02.200910 000.00
First price24.03.200410 000.00
Historic min17.05.200610 000.00
Historic max09.12.200410 000.00
Total volume46 352 920.00
ST.DLUHOP. 3,80/09 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2009 101.00 101.00 21 478 542 243 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
2008 101.00 101.00 18 699 739 111 10 000.00 10 000.00 24 400 000 graf
2007 101.00 101.00 10 208 552 244 10 000.00 10 000.00 20 752 920 graf
2006 99.00 101.00 26 908 739 264 10 000.00 10 000.00 1 200 000 graf
2005 99.00 99.00 54 875 242 285 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
2004 99.00 100.00 60 380 769 664 10 000.00 10 000.00 0 graf
Zobrazit sloupec