ŠTI HOLDING - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ŠTI HOLDING

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price08.12.20031 170.00
First price07.07.1994360.00
Historic min09.08.1994140.40
Historic max16.02.20011 460.00
Total volume67 912 519.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price28.11.20031 400.00
First price10.01.1995190.00
Historic min10.07.1995135.00
Historic max29.09.20031 673.20
Total volume295 907 031.20
ŠTI HOLDING - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2003 850.00 1 194.00 7 020 703.00 1 673.00 2 539 198 graf
2002 834.00 877.00 8 500 572.00 1 000.00 1 989 266 graf
2001 801.00 1 460.00 36 980 523.00 1 503.00 15 807 393 graf
2000 801.00 1 184.00 195 562 811.00 1 500.00 141 551 127 graf
1999 411.00 801.00 368 837 393.00 925.00 54 143 026 graf
1998 387.00 892.00 14 456 830 340.00 883.00 28 715 864 graf
1997 213.00 550.00 19 501 962 215.00 550.00 28 963 257 graf
1996 166.00 215.00 15 384 527 164.00 215.00 14 650 966 graf
1995 141.00 204.00 13 996 839 135.00 202.00 7 079 642 graf
1994 140.00 360.00 3 866 014 - - - graf
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