MONETA MONEY BANK - Share MONETA MONEY BANK share price, Prague Stock Exchange

Current price MONETA MONEY BANK, A. S.

Burza - 26.7.2024 16:29:29
Current price 16:29:29 108.60 CZK (-0.18%)
109.12 CZK / 363 151 Pc
Volume 39 627 tis. CZK
First/Last 109.60/108.60 CZK
Min/Max 108.20 / 110.20 CZK
Trades 307
Bid/Ask 16:15:13 0.0 Min / 99 999 999.99 CZK
RMS - 26.7.2024 16:50:21
Current price 109.80 CZK (0.54%)
Average 109.23 CZK / 9 493 Pc
Volume 1 037 tis. CZK
First/Last 109.20/109.80 CZK
Min/Max 108.60/110.00 CZK
Number of changes 257
PCP 87.40/131.00 CZK

Akcie MONETA MONEY BANK, A. S. - Ask/bid on markets

Burza : 26.7.2024 16:15:13
114.40 575 103.40 2 378
Complette informations about asks and bids are available only after registration and for a personal use accorging to conditions on the Prague Stock Exchange. You can register and check agreement on ask/bid page.
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RMS : 26.7.2024 16:50:21
108.60 250 109.60 500
108.40 1 100 109.80 3 000
108.20 2 600 110.00 5 419
108.00 4 560 110.20 5 669
107.80 5 560 110.40 6 169
History » | All ask/bids »

Akcie MONETA MONEY BANK, A. S. - Latest on-line trades on markets

26.7.2024 16:16:08 130 108.60CZK
26.7.2024 16:15:13 55 716 108.60CZK
26.7.2024 16:09:56 2 791 109.00CZK
26.7.2024 16:09:49 79 109.00CZK
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26.7.2024 15:17:59 500 109.80CZK
26.7.2024 15:17:01 210 109.00CZK
26.7.2024 15:02:49 210 109.20CZK
26.7.2024 15:02:49 290 109.00CZK
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Other info about MONETA MONEY BANK, A. S.

CZ0008040318, ISIN: CZ0008040318, BIC: BAAGECBA - Information from central depository

MONETA MONEY BANK on the Prague Stock Exchange

Dividend MONETA MONEY BANK - Profit, P/E

Total monthly/yearly volumes of MONETA MONEY BANK on the Prague Stock Exchange

Other names for MONETA MONEY BANK, A. S.

Other securities MONETA MONEY BANK, A. S.

HZL MONETA 4,83/27 - HZL MONETA 4,97/26 - MONETA MB 3,30/29 - MONETA MB 8,00/26 - MONETA MB VAR/30 - HZL WHB VAR/23 - HZL WHB 1,72/23 - HZL WHB VAR/22 - HZL WHB 1,24/22
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