PRIOR IK - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about PRIOR IK

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price22.01.200152.61
First price15.03.1995665.00
Historic min29.12.199928.00
Historic max30.12.1996764.00
Total volume3 230 506.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price27.09.200070.70
First price28.03.1995342.00
Historic min25.08.200040.00
Historic max08.06.1995600.00
Total volume4 291 225.40
PRIOR IK - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2001 53.00 55.00 0 - - - graf
2000 28.00 55.00 0 40.00 163.00 65 693 graf
1999 28.00 205.00 16 894 60.00 272.00 857 689 graf
1998 141.00 300.00 499 590 120.00 255.00 1 345 767 graf
1997 201.00 764.00 1 181 889 161.00 552.00 1 531 037 graf
1996 210.00 764.00 1 087 531 193.00 553.00 405 442 graf
1995 160.00 700.00 444 602 225.00 600.00 83 940 graf
Zobrazit sloupec