SEMENA VELELIBY - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about SEMENA VELELIBY

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price20.11.199665.00
First price06.03.1995966.00
Historic min05.08.199663.00
Historic max06.03.1995966.00
Total volume183 287.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price08.11.199659.50
First price28.03.1995362.00
Historic min17.08.199549.00
Historic max29.03.1995409.50
Total volume146 150.20
SEMENA VELELIBY - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199611 65.00 65.00 0 57.00 60.00 342 graf
199610 65.00 65.00 12 090 55.00 62.00 7 691 graf
199609 65.00 65.00 7 800 54.00 60.00 3 339 graf
199608 63.00 65.00 1 560 54.00 60.00 1 872 graf
199607 63.00 70.00 12 628 56.00 60.00 3 592 graf
199606 69.00 70.00 15 400 56.00 69.00 6 461 graf
199605 77.00 95.00 15 833 63.00 93.00 8 716 graf
199604 95.00 100.00 8 050 81.00 98.00 7 784 graf
199603 100.00 110.00 33 090 90.00 110.00 17 370 graf
199602 72.00 113.00 29 502 55.00 110.00 17 261 graf
199601 72.00 99.00 1 126 72.00 102.00 1 797 graf
199512 85.00 110.00 4 012 78.00 97.00 2 848 graf
199511 70.00 131.00 5 786 69.00 125.00 46 056 graf
199510 90.00 162.00 7 232 94.00 125.00 9 260 graf
199509 98.00 120.00 2 520 70.00 108.00 2 274 graf
199508 73.00 110.00 7 143 49.00 97.00 1 312 graf
199507 67.00 77.00 1 036 97.00 118.00 0 graf
199506 77.00 140.00 3 154 110.00 124.00 1 180 graf
199505 140.00 211.00 7 728 115.00 234.00 2 900 graf
199504 159.00 222.00 2 847 260.00 360.00 0 graf
199503 145.00 966.00 4 750 362.00 410.00 4 095 graf
199502 - - - - - 0 graf
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