VGP - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about VGP

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price29.10.20214 500.00
First price07.12.2007410.00
Historic min17.10.2012350.00
Historic max29.10.20214 500.00
Total volume11 355 871.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price31.08.20223 700.00
First price12.12.2007410.00
Historic min12.12.2007410.00
Historic max31.03.20223 700.00
Total volume60 000.00
VGP - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2022 - - - 3 700.00 3 700.00 0 graf
2021 2 010.00 4 500.00 45 000 2 040.00 3 700.00 0 graf
2020 1 580.00 2 010.00 248 580 1 500.00 2 040.00 0 graf
2019 1 580.00 1 580.00 0 500.00 1 500.00 60 000 graf
2018 1 415.00 1 590.00 4 056 750 413.00 500.00 0 graf
2017 353.00 1 588.00 1 830 436 412.40 413.00 0 graf
2016 353.00 360.00 11 649 412.40 412.40 0 graf
2015 360.00 400.00 521 106 412.40 412.40 0 graf
2014 350.00 400.00 18 900 412.40 412.40 0 graf
2013 350.00 350.00 8 750 412.00 412.00 0 graf
2012 350.00 364.00 70 000 412.00 412.00 0 graf
2011 364.00 364.00 0 412.00 412.00 0 graf
2010 364.00 364.00 0 412.00 412.00 0 graf
2009 364.00 380.00 3 491 415 412.00 412.00 0 graf
2008 365.00 425.00 509 055 412.00 412.00 0 graf
2007 410.00 435.00 544 230 410.00 410.00 0 graf
Zobrazit sloupec