KOFOLA CS - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about KOFOLA CS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024302.00
First price01.10.2015346.30
Historic min16.03.2020197.00
Historic max02.12.2015515.00
Total volume3 496 380 058.01
RMS - RM-System
Last price26.07.2024303.00
First price01.12.2015540.00
Historic min18.03.2020196.50
Historic max02.12.2015648.00
Total volume553 660 650.10
KOFOLA CS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 268.00 304.00 185 971 751 269.00 309.00 31 020 416 graf
2023 235.00 278.00 212 647 190 235.00 279.00 41 774 008 graf
2022 228.00 322.00 246 528 897 230.00 324.00 65 904 429 graf
2021 239.00 331.00 448 484 733 239.00 332.00 110 358 633 graf
2020 197.00 285.00 459 131 407 196.50 285.00 87 644 218 graf
2019 279.00 312.00 488 959 782 281.00 313.00 59 559 687 graf
2018 268.00 420.00 1 132 237 789 265.00 424.00 113 332 612 graf
2017 360.20 440.00 160 788 282 360.00 444.00 30 965 671 graf
2016 360.00 496.00 117 672 536 361.50 495.90 11 367 463 graf
2015 346.30 515.00 43 957 691 480.00 648.00 1 733 513 graf
Zobrazit sloupec