EB S&P TS07 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB S&P TS07

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price21.10.2024104.52
First price25.03.2024245.46
Historic min21.10.2024104.52
Historic max22.04.2024307.55
Total volume51 469.65
EB S&P TS07 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202410 104.52 141.14 0 - - - graf
202409 125.32 200.71 23 066 - - - graf
202408 150.73 256.49 10 350 - - - graf
202407 151.59 211.32 0 - - - graf
202406 180.61 231.61 0 - - - graf
202405 219.17 296.79 8 086 - - - graf
202404 240.28 307.55 9 967 - - - graf
202403 239.60 247.91 0 - - - graf
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