HZL HVB 6,0/09 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about HZL HVB 6,0/09

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price23.12.2008100.40
First price04.03.2002108.85
Historic min08.12.2008100.40
Historic max21.06.2002108.85
Total volume24 468 346 675.71
HZL HVB 6,0/09 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2008 100.00 105.00 712 011 770 - - - graf
2007 105.00 109.00 5 201 348 522 - - - graf
2006 109.00 109.00 1 666 949 591 - - - graf
2005 109.00 109.00 2 665 292 224 - - - graf
2004 109.00 109.00 8 234 601 643 - - - graf
2003 109.00 109.00 2 743 487 453 - - - graf
2002 109.00 109.00 3 244 655 472 - - - graf
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