KARO LEATHER - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about KARO LEATHER

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024165.00
First price13.11.201945.00
Historic min23.03.202043.00
Historic max31.07.2023190.00
Total volume105 599 874.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price26.07.2024166.00
First price23.10.201940.00
Historic min16.03.202038.00
Historic max23.06.2023200.00
Total volume49 151 096.00
KARO LEATHER - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 145.00 173.00 62 631 349 145.00 175.00 15 348 948 graf
2023 125.00 190.00 21 427 675 117.00 200.00 10 012 646 graf
2022 114.00 149.00 6 447 250 110.00 149.00 7 662 859 graf
2021 53.00 114.00 4 504 000 54.00 127.00 5 343 050 graf
2020 43.00 53.00 9 293 600 38.00 53.00 6 267 829 graf
2019 45.00 47.00 1 296 000 40.00 50.50 4 515 764 graf
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