EB KOM TL13 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB KOM TL13

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price10.03.202551.59
First price22.01.202416.95
Historic min24.01.202416.35
Historic max07.03.202552.66
Total volume544 846.75
EB KOM TL13 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202503 47.86 52.66 0 - - - graf
202502 32.55 49.64 9 992 - - - graf
202501 30.57 35.27 0 - - - graf
202412 28.66 31.49 16 942 - - - graf
202411 26.55 29.55 0 - - - graf
202410 24.58 27.53 0 - - - graf
202409 22.88 27.05 35 165 - - - graf
202408 20.34 26.46 33 977 - - - graf
202407 25.35 28.49 0 - - - graf
202406 23.50 25.30 0 - - - graf
202405 25.18 27.92 205 623 - - - graf
202404 25.47 28.42 143 348 - - - graf
202403 21.37 25.22 95 134 - - - graf
202402 17.19 26.18 4 666 - - - graf
202401 16.35 17.39 0 - - - graf
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