EB S&P 500 TL04 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB S&P 500 TL04

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price23.10.2024397.19
First price09.10.2023122.78
Historic min30.10.202383.00
Historic max21.10.2024404.79
Total volume16 550 767.19
EB S&P 500 TL04 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202410 362.22 404.79 1 052 537 - - - graf
202409 305.62 373.06 6 118 840 - - - graf
202408 262.44 351.83 8 822 075 - - - graf
202407 319.12 377.27 128 212 - - - graf
202406 293.13 354.89 48 097 - - - graf
202405 250.34 309.50 14 274 - - - graf
202404 249.22 308.94 49 042 - - - graf
202403 280.01 315.00 52 289 - - - graf
202402 231.28 287.57 2 995 - - - graf
202401 194.23 243.32 162 076 - - - graf
202312 169.27 213.27 2 035 - - - graf
202311 100.79 169.32 2 487 - - - graf
202310 83.00 141.29 95 809 - - - graf
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