HARV.STROJÍREN.PF - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about HARV.STROJÍREN.PF

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price28.03.199770.21
First price20.08.199667.20
Historic min11.10.199623.03
Historic max19.02.199777.15
Total volume149 506.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price15.05.199778.99
First price16.11.1995100.00
Historic min10.07.199617.00
Historic max11.01.1996100.00
Total volume509 676.00
HARV.STROJÍREN.PF - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199705 - - - 76.00 84.00 25 574 graf
199704 - - - 62.00 86.00 127 005 graf
199703 63.00 75.00 87 134 62.00 74.00 70 978 graf
199702 67.00 77.00 30 022 57.00 76.00 91 414 graf
199701 36.00 69.00 21 953 36.00 78.00 68 169 graf
199612 26.00 35.00 0 26.00 35.00 11 123 graf
199611 25.00 26.00 1 458 26.00 29.00 10 063 graf
199610 23.00 25.00 0 20.00 27.00 8 130 graf
199609 23.00 47.00 7 660 19.00 25.00 17 915 graf
199608 49.00 67.00 1 279 20.00 22.00 0 graf
199607 - - 0 17.00 21.00 15 224 graf
199606 - - 0 20.00 24.00 16 780 graf
199605 - - 0 22.00 24.00 0 graf
199604 - - 0 23.00 30.00 1 897 graf
199603 - - 0 30.00 40.00 6 899 graf
199602 - - 0 38.00 47.00 35 565 graf
199601 - - - 41.00 100.00 2 940 graf
199512 - - - 100.00 100.00 0 graf
199511 - - - 100.00 100.00 0 graf
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