MEOPTA PŘEROV - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about MEOPTA PŘEROV

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price22.09.2004104.00
First price24.08.1993300.00
Historic min06.10.199832.81
Historic max16.11.1993324.00
Total volume32 386 520.13
RMS - RM-System
Last price09.09.2004106.80
First price10.01.1995129.00
Historic min28.09.199834.00
Historic max22.09.1995185.00
Total volume45 612 036.80
MEOPTA PŘEROV - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2004 104.00 104.00 0 102.00 179.00 1 138 783 graf
2003 84.00 104.00 11 624 84.00 173.00 4 727 864 graf
2002 57.00 90.00 7 589 66.00 183.00 1 136 550 graf
2001 70.00 86.00 3 155 63.00 121.00 1 350 215 graf
2000 57.00 93.00 36 767 52.00 100.00 8 103 232 graf
1999 43.00 73.00 56 140 42.00 101.00 14 524 094 graf
1998 33.00 69.00 481 568 34.00 73.00 2 323 828 graf
1997 37.00 98.00 3 079 899 35.00 118.00 3 067 643 graf
1996 81.00 157.00 11 299 320 62.00 160.00 5 878 162 graf
1995 63.00 203.00 7 428 450 64.00 185.00 3 360 061 graf
1994 85.00 270.00 6 689 320 - - - graf
1993 192.00 324.00 3 165 773 - - - graf
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