MOL - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about MOL

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024195.00
First price22.05.2018220.60
Historic min02.11.2020115.60
Historic max26.03.2019271.00
Total volume23 410 727.30
MOL - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 140.60 199.00 512 161 - - - graf
2023 137.00 185.00 1 026 878 - - - graf
2022 138.60 210.20 8 004 775 - - - graf
2021 145.70 193.10 6 961 736 - - - graf
2020 115.60 220.20 3 435 795 - - - graf
2019 218.60 271.00 285 035 - - - graf
2018 206.00 258.00 3 184 348 - - - graf
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