ŽIOS - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about ŽIOS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price27.09.1996537.00
First price03.03.1995476.00
Historic min18.05.199571.37
Historic max10.09.1996537.00
Total volume464 494.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price25.02.1997700.00
First price28.03.1995460.00
Historic min28.07.1995100.00
Historic max25.10.1996800.00
Total volume696 805.90
ŽIOS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
199702 - - - 700.00 700.00 0 graf
199701 - - - 700.00 700.00 0 graf
199612 - - - 700.00 700.00 0 graf
199611 - - - 700.00 800.00 0 graf
199610 - - - 607.00 800.00 0 graf
199609 537.00 537.00 0 575.00 772.00 11 170 graf
199608 405.00 489.00 8 505 369.00 625.00 71 256 graf
199607 372.00 454.00 60 952 369.00 460.00 100 610 graf
199606 376.00 417.00 17 562 381.00 460.00 300 908 graf
199605 230.00 411.00 53 539 265.00 421.00 69 456 graf
199604 136.00 239.00 15 966 181.00 275.00 55 148 graf
199603 151.00 207.00 5 423 190.00 220.00 16 880 graf
199602 172.00 210.00 10 544 190.00 255.00 21 207 graf
199601 210.00 272.00 14 350 240.00 282.00 5 220 graf
199512 266.00 302.00 44 798 269.00 305.00 15 639 graf
199511 266.00 320.00 91 647 201.00 305.00 21 938 graf
199510 271.00 310.00 105 517 122.00 183.00 3 645 graf
199509 119.00 295.00 15 524 119.00 134.00 1 694 graf
199508 102.00 113.00 1 582 100.00 119.00 2 034 graf
199507 97.00 107.00 6 432 100.00 270.00 0 graf
199506 80.00 102.00 4 743 270.00 270.00 0 graf
199505 71.00 83.00 4 613 270.00 300.00 0 graf
199504 - - 0 300.00 336.00 0 graf
199503 79.00 476.00 2 797 373.00 460.00 0 graf
199502 - - - - - 0 graf
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