EB EGB TL5 - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB EGB TL5

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024100.10
First price15.09.201416.45
Historic min16.10.20149.10
Historic max26.07.2024100.10
Total volume16 347 656.38
EB EGB TL5 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 66.06 100.10 10 798 - - - graf
2023 42.16 67.50 3 395 - - - graf
2022 28.12 82.61 402 279 - - - graf
2021 33.87 76.05 1 714 000 - - - graf
2020 10.36 59.45 12 179 704 - - - graf
2019 40.98 61.93 0 - - - graf
2018 40.14 72.96 0 - - - graf
2017 36.55 63.05 0 - - - graf
2016 13.60 41.05 1 041 572 - - - graf
2015 14.50 39.95 451 565 - - - graf
2014 9.10 22.00 544 344 - - - graf
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