SPOLANA - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about SPOLANA

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price02.01.2009155.00
First price15.06.199320 000.00
Historic min10.02.200340.00
Historic max15.06.199320 000.00
Total volume173 499 200.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price23.12.2008156.00
First price10.01.1995750.00
Historic min14.05.199945.00
Historic max10.01.1996780.00
Total volume143 915 493.40
SPOLANA - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2009 155.00 155.00 6 510 - - - graf
2008 127.00 161.00 7 892 339 121.00 187.00 2 696 102 graf
2007 150.00 172.00 1 488 390 150.00 181.00 9 020 452 graf
2006 147.00 189.00 4 490 681 139.00 194.00 5 757 098 graf
2005 76.00 248.00 12 697 334 80.00 224.00 55 401 698 graf
2004 67.00 96.00 718 342 57.00 96.00 5 837 598 graf
2003 40.00 75.00 541 394 54.00 99.00 5 601 515 graf
2002 44.00 80.00 34 314 60.00 86.00 4 296 335 graf
2001 67.00 177.00 3 535 102 64.00 177.00 19 377 303 graf
2000 54.00 100.00 121 642 62.00 125.00 1 822 809 graf
1999 52.00 99.00 555 997 45.00 106.00 3 884 755 graf
1998 73.00 198.00 6 359 280 61.00 185.00 5 769 859 graf
1997 111.00 271.00 9 414 770 103.00 262.00 3 796 591 graf
1996 179.00 783.00 36 736 462 160.00 780.00 11 340 456 graf
1995 331.00 799.00 66 854 487 300.00 770.00 9 305 132 graf
1994 500.00 1 095.00 20 018 431 - - - graf
1993 330.00 20 000.00 1 894 522 - - - graf
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