JTPEG F.CZ 7,75/29 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about JTPEG F.CZ 7,75/29

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price12.09.2024103.99
First price22.02.2024102.10
Historic min09.05.2024101.77
Historic max01.03.2024104.50
Total volume144 383 141.30
JTPEG F.CZ 7,75/29 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202409 103.99 103.99 511 402 - - - graf
202408 102.96 104.00 14 810 037 - - - graf
202407 102.00 102.96 5 851 223 - - - graf
202406 102.00 103.50 27 329 618 - - - graf
202405 101.77 103.49 27 608 846 - - - graf
202404 101.97 103.60 11 687 584 - - - graf
202403 103.60 104.50 13 106 405 - - - graf
202402 102.10 104.20 43 478 025 - - - graf
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