PRABOS PLUS - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about PRABOS PLUS

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024282.00
First price26.06.2018418.00
Historic min03.02.2023161.00
Historic max13.03.2019422.00
Total volume46 374 633.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price26.07.2024270.00
First price08.06.2018400.00
Historic min16.02.2023161.00
Historic max21.06.2018440.00
Total volume43 387 158.00
PRABOS PLUS - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 214.00 284.00 1 837 394 200.00 280.00 1 438 376 graf
2023 161.00 256.00 8 590 489 161.00 248.00 9 143 812 graf
2022 200.00 404.00 9 167 250 204.00 410.00 4 578 322 graf
2021 380.00 404.00 5 272 000 370.00 420.00 4 634 680 graf
2020 354.00 412.00 7 937 250 350.00 412.00 4 928 464 graf
2019 400.00 422.00 8 815 500 400.00 432.00 8 208 330 graf
2018 418.00 418.00 4 754 750 400.00 440.00 10 455 174 graf
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