EB S&P 500 TL03 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB S&P 500 TL03

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024386.83
First price27.03.2023136.90
Historic min28.03.2023132.59
Historic max15.07.2024436.70
Total volume1 072 391.36
EB S&P 500 TL03 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202407 378.93 436.70 32 428 - - - graf
202406 350.97 414.49 15 125 - - - graf
202405 309.70 367.48 2 492 - - - graf
202404 308.82 367.78 0 - - - graf
202403 338.50 374.23 350 - - - graf
202402 289.04 346.67 10 576 - - - graf
202401 250.32 300.98 0 - - - graf
202312 225.58 269.25 2 598 - - - graf
202311 159.20 225.30 26 488 - - - graf
202310 140.76 199.41 452 727 - - - graf
202309 178.22 233.43 149 668 - - - graf
202308 193.55 243.47 197 300 - - - graf
202307 210.57 249.53 0 - - - graf
202306 186.79 219.95 182 640 - - - graf
202305 142.62 178.17 0 - - - graf
202304 145.46 165.30 0 - - - graf
202303 132.59 150.74 0 - - - graf
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