TMR - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about TMR

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024505.00
First price22.10.20121 085.00
Historic min12.06.2024470.00
Historic max28.06.20131 300.00
Total volume431 867 493.00
TMR - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 470.00 600.00 10 398 864 - - - graf
2023 490.00 645.00 67 629 747 - - - graf
2022 515.00 790.00 128 377 955 - - - graf
2021 775.00 950.00 35 545 715 - - - graf
2020 760.00 1 010.00 7 859 970 - - - graf
2019 720.00 1 020.00 7 082 875 - - - graf
2018 670.00 780.00 6 958 960 - - - graf
2017 655.00 720.00 7 169 082 - - - graf
2016 610.00 728.00 3 827 457 - - - graf
2015 550.00 695.00 1 780 320 - - - graf
2014 524.40 609.50 9 191 599 - - - graf
2013 525.00 1 300.00 117 380 874 - - - graf
2012 1 085.00 1 145.00 27 421 075 - - - graf
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