EB ADIDAS TL05 - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about EB ADIDAS TL05

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price23.10.2024310.24
First price12.12.202276.26
Historic min12.12.202276.26
Historic max07.10.2024364.87
Total volume1 896 693.15
EB ADIDAS TL05 - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202410 310.24 364.87 31 567 - - - graf
202409 287.02 364.15 137 577 - - - graf
202408 296.91 352.98 0 - - - graf
202407 306.76 362.51 0 - - - graf
202406 305.11 348.88 0 - - - graf
202405 317.25 343.10 12 651 - - - graf
202404 263.12 350.26 5 226 - - - graf
202403 236.33 290.91 38 297 - - - graf
202402 200.39 249.71 123 925 - - - graf
202401 183.17 224.05 161 522 - - - graf
202312 229.60 262.64 6 042 - - - graf
202311 189.70 249.64 17 585 - - - graf
202310 168.25 216.05 24 370 - - - graf
202309 169.39 234.81 0 - - - graf
202308 210.52 235.89 72 912 - - - graf
202307 187.37 232.82 0 - - - graf
202306 168.09 217.87 0 - - - graf
202305 152.96 191.82 25 001 - - - graf
202304 168.44 186.17 340 657 - - - graf
202303 127.75 177.55 428 171 - - - graf
202302 117.49 172.16 471 190 - - - graf
202301 100.83 158.00 0 - - - graf
202212 76.26 104.20 0 - - - graf
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