mmcité a.s. - monthly total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about mmcité a.s.

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price09.09.2024318.00
First price01.08.2023194.00
Historic min01.08.2023194.00
Historic max12.07.2024346.00
Total volume68 388 146.00
RMS - RM-System
Last price09.09.2024318.00
First price31.07.2023160.00
Historic min31.07.2023160.00
Historic max12.07.2024346.00
Total volume29 076 919.00
mmcité a.s. - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
202409 318.00 320.00 5 494 256 312.00 318.00 90 330 graf
202408 318.00 336.00 1 886 540 318.00 336.00 555 980 graf
202407 328.00 346.00 1 932 102 324.00 346.00 710 968 graf
202406 320.00 340.00 519 822 314.00 344.00 572 632 graf
202405 300.00 340.00 3 747 776 294.00 340.00 1 027 420 graf
202404 236.00 320.00 15 102 540 238.00 312.00 2 828 770 graf
202403 238.00 250.00 985 830 236.00 248.00 235 290 graf
202402 234.00 256.00 1 397 818 234.00 256.00 1 305 088 graf
202401 224.00 248.00 6 928 648 224.00 246.00 1 025 026 graf
202312 204.00 224.00 8 791 690 204.00 224.00 1 712 122 graf
202311 208.00 218.00 4 448 576 208.00 218.00 1 209 682 graf
202310 210.00 228.00 4 051 946 208.00 224.00 1 260 718 graf
202309 216.00 248.00 1 600 402 216.00 226.00 1 363 908 graf
202308 194.00 250.00 11 500 200 196.00 248.00 15 178 985 graf
202307 - - - 160.00 160.00 0 graf
Zobrazit sloupec