CPI FIM - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about CPI FIM

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price19.09.201411.15
First price01.02.20051 286.00
Historic min16.09.201411.15
Historic max19.02.20073 706.00
Total volume86 779 257 590.97
RMS - RM-System
Last price26.07.202416.00
First price26.09.20072 898.80
Historic min21.01.20163.80
Historic max11.10.20073 142.80
Total volume1 412 134 485.60
CPI FIM - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 - - - 14.20 17.70 5 966 463 graf
2023 - - - 13.60 14.60 6 007 948 graf
2022 - - - 14.20 17.90 14 311 607 graf
2021 - - - 8.10 17.60 29 247 195 graf
2020 - - - 7.20 9.90 4 504 157 graf
2019 - - - 9.10 10.20 4 906 285 graf
2018 - - - 9.40 20.80 10 514 991 graf
2017 - - - 5.90 31.60 8 555 735 graf
2016 - - - 3.80 8.20 6 390 850 graf
2015 - - - 6.80 12.70 5 585 757 graf
2014 11.15 53.95 224 151 913 9.30 53.10 59 708 090 graf
2013 41.00 74.00 396 742 140 40.00 73.00 87 205 119 graf
2012 37.00 119.00 549 115 643 39.00 117.00 139 077 966 graf
2011 82.00 244.00 950 911 785 82.00 243.00 194 668 506 graf
2010 117.00 208.00 846 454 148 116.00 207.00 149 357 218 graf
2009 89.00 302.00 2 034 686 857 90.00 304.00 271 955 822 graf
2008 138.00 2 163.00 11 887 829 475 146.00 2 186.00 281 539 877 graf
2007 2 151.00 3 706.00 36 128 240 799 2 157.00 3 143.00 132 047 906 graf
2006 1 818.00 2 966.00 28 062 035 868 - - - graf
2005 1 159.00 1 809.00 5 697 684 775 - - - graf
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