E4U - annual total volumes, min and max prices

Short and summary info about E4U

The Prague Stock Exchange
Last price26.07.2024214.00
First price25.08.201186.40
Historic min04.02.201362.00
Historic max21.05.2024218.00
Total volume253 790 482.59
RMS - RM-System
Last price26.07.2024214.00
First price25.08.201190.00
Historic min22.07.201364.10
Historic max18.06.2024220.00
Total volume25 175 438.50
E4U - Total volumes and minimum and maximum prices in a given period
Month The Prague Stock Exchange RM System Graf
Min price Max price Volume Min price Max price Volume
2024 160.00 218.00 29 826 190 167.00 220.00 4 030 706 graf
2023 128.00 198.00 28 638 958 125.00 199.00 2 948 904 graf
2022 111.00 199.00 7 642 471 114.00 157.00 1 430 150 graf
2021 96.50 121.00 11 857 492 90.50 137.00 2 680 482 graf
2020 92.00 102.00 24 471 630 92.00 103.00 2 118 111 graf
2019 96.50 107.00 21 534 727 96.50 109.00 1 830 908 graf
2018 98.00 116.00 10 821 497 105.00 118.00 357 531 graf
2017 97.00 116.10 14 804 845 98.00 116.00 1 110 943 graf
2016 91.00 110.00 14 971 520 92.50 108.00 866 394 graf
2015 73.00 100.00 19 992 465 73.50 101.00 1 887 791 graf
2014 67.00 78.00 21 971 411 68.00 80.00 839 587 graf
2013 62.00 71.00 15 792 874 64.00 73.00 2 174 292 graf
2012 66.00 75.00 19 999 387 66.00 75.00 1 624 985 graf
2011 69.00 90.00 11 465 016 70.00 100.00 1 274 656 graf
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